Paul also lobbied New York State and the U.S. Congress for and was instrumental in obtaining two important pieces of legislation to assist WTC- injured workers. These are an amendment to New York's General Municipal Law §50-I ("JIMMY NOLAN'S LAW") that provided a one-year savings statute for otherwise time-barred first responder claims and the JAMES ZADROGA 9/11 HEALTH AND COMPENSATION ACT OF 2010 ("Zadroga Bill"), which provides for medical monitoring and cash awards for injured first responders and other WTC survivors, local office workers and community members injured by the post-9/11 fallout. Paul has been a generous contributor to the 9/11 Memorial, the 9/11 Memorial Museum and other organizations working to support first responders and other WTC-injured workers.
He was profiled in the published book "City of Dust," a journalistic account of the rescue, recovery and debris removal activities at the site of the World Trade Center following the September 11, 2011 attacks, authored by former New York Times columnist Anthony DePalma.
Mr. Napoli has written on physician liability for diet drug injuries and on "The Cost of Contamination" for the American Water Works Association Journal, November 2012. He has extensively litigated on behalf of municipal clients for contamination to land and water supplies resulting from petroleum and related chemical spills.