Age: 18
School: Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
I am very excited to be able to better my education by attending a four-year University this fall. I know that not everyone has the same opportunity, and I am grateful for this. The Arts are very challenging, especially as a field of work. Acting roles are always spontaneous, and it is important to take risks. The scholarship from the Trey Whitfield Foundation will aid me in the process of making my dreams come to a reality. As much as I love acting and performing, I know the challenges that face me ahead, and I am eager and excited to learn to perfect my art.
Throughout my life, I’ve admired many stars on Broadway, and “The Silver Screen”. I like to learn of their life stories and how they got to where they are. However, one thing that never made me envious of these hardworking actors was their fame. The art of performing has always been my goal, never the fame or publicity. While in college, I also plan on minoring in Spanish with hopes to travel to Spain to study, and learn about the culture.
Though I have many goals in life, but I am focused right now to attend University and upon graduation earn a stable job in the career for which I studied. My long-term goal is to live my life to the fullest by focusing on what makes me happy. That may sound clichÈ, but I value a good educational strategy strongly. I am very fortunate to be able to attend Virginia Commonwealth University for the next four years. I hope to better my education, so that I can succeed in the career that I love, Theatre.