Age: 21
School: Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology, East Elmhurst, NY
My academic struggles, my work ethic, and my motivation my strongest attributes. During all my school years, I was one of the most troublesome students. I didnít listen to anyone, not even my own mother, but she always showed me love no matter what people told her about me. My mother never gave up on me even though she could not spend enough time with me or help with my homework, since she was working hard to make a living. She encouraged me to do better in school so that I could have a brighter future. She even went as far as to change my educational environment by getting me into a school that changed my whole attitude towards learning. Towards the end of high school, I realized that to become a better student, I had to focus on making goals and achieving them, which would make my mom proud.
When I got accepted into Vaughn College, I did not want to burden my mother with any financial obligations. Thus, I sought out several job options that would enable me to work while attending school. The opportunity to become an Uber driver solved my dilemma because the hours were flexible. I also work at the gym at my college, which allows me to study or complete class assignments while on the job.
My motivation is to become the stabilizing factor for my family. I want my family to be able to look at me with pride when I achieve the ultimate goal ñ to become a Captain of a commercial airline. This would be a milestone for my family because I would be the only one to obtain a college degree.